Man riding in a helicopter with his legs hanging out the side

Just WOW

Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia launches new brand campaign


15 February 2021

Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia has today launched an exciting new brand campaign, their first in 10 years. The campaign, created by Sydney agency, BMF, challenges Australians’ perceptions of Uluru as “just a rock”, and instead celebrates it as a destination with an abundance of indigenous experiences on offer.

Using the brand platform "Just Wow" to describe the awe of visiting a place as special as Uluru, the campaign is designed to encourage Australians to get Uluru off the bucket list and onto their "to do" list creating a sense of excitement to go and experience the magic for themselves.

“The intent for this new platform is to actively drive a sense of urgency to encourage visitation to one of the most iconic destinations in the world” said Ana Sofia Ayala, Chief Marketing Officer for Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia. "By showcasing the multitude of things to do and see from five-star culinary experiences to stargazing with an indigenous guide, and sunset heli tours to exploring Uluru on a segway, we are also letting our audience know that this is a destination for all ages and Interests."

Other achievements at the Australian Tourism Awards included a Silver for Indigenous Tourism at Ayers Rock Resort and a Bronze for Sails in the Desert Hotel in the Luxury Tourism Category.

“It was also important for us to have the local Anangu community highly involved in the creation and production of the campaign which we achieved through the strong use of visuals and also a collaboration with the Anangu Iwiri choir who composed a bespoke piece of a cappella music for the films which can be seen as well as heard here and here. Their song, in Pitjantjatjara, translates as “Come and see our beautiful country.”

The campaign will run across TV, print, outdoor, digital and social media.